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West Orange County's overdevelopment is an issue that seems to unite nearly all of us. We have been pounded with development without serious mitigations to our infrastructure so to support it. We have all felt and seen this. For years, I've been vocal about the need to slow the growth and not allow for the destruction of our green space, including during my time as host of the Orange Observer podcast. I've consistently stated that "West Orange County does not need to become the City of Orlando."


Despite my opponent's misleading claims, my platform centers on slowing growth through an Infrastructure-First policy. The past four years under the current commissioner have seen our schools overcrowded, roads deteriorating, and green spaces vanishing daily. This is due to ineffective and absent leadership.


Here's the reality: Our current commissioner refuses to negotiate with developers to hold their feet to the fire. She also fails to meet with residents and other stakeholders (including losing the opportunity for 8 million private dollars to be invested in the Horizon West Regional Park). Not meeting with development applicants forces them to negotiate with other commissioners for projects in District 1. This results in overdevelopment in the wrong places at the wrong times, without necessary infrastructure improvements. We're left with more overdevelopment and now further behind on infrastructure than ever before in West Orange history.


My opponent points out donations to my campaign but conveniently omits that several large land-use development attorneys have contributed to hers. Why does she mislead on this? We've been transparent about our donations, even publishing a pie chart revealing retirees as our largest donor block.


The current commissioner is an activist, not a leader. While activism has its place in exposing things that are not otherwise seen, leadership is a different role and requires showing up, engaging in tough negotiations, and building partnerships. For the past four years, many already-funded road improvements have stalled due to a lack of effective leadership. We need a commissioner who can motivate and collaborate with Orange County staff to prioritize our needs on the west side. Furthermore, we're missing out on crucial interlocal partnerships and cross-county collaboration that would enhance our infrastructure. A proactive leader could foster these relationships and expedite much-needed improvements.


We need a leader who will:


1. Partner with local officials and stakeholders to slow the growth effectively.

2. Ensure infrastructure development precedes or accompanies new construction.

3. Preserve our green spaces and lower density character.

4. Prioritize safety and quality of life for residents.

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"West Orange County does not need to become the
City of Orlando."

This is why I am the only candidate with endorsements from West Orange mayors and commissioners. It's why 1,800 West Orange residents petitioned to get my name on the ballot, and why law enforcement has endorsed this campaign instead of the incumbents. I'm committed to slowing growth, prioritizing safety, and being a commissioner who shows up and meets with everyone. Developers know I won't be a yes-man, and residents know I'll always engage in tough negotiations for infrastructure and preservation.


It's time for West Orange County to stop losing. We can't afford another four years of absent leadership. We need someone ready to fight in partnership with residents, leaders, and stakeholders. Together, we can preserve West Orange.

Austin Arthur
Candidate for Orange County Commissioner, District 1

Listen to Austin Back in 2021

Why is the current commissioner lying about Austin’s positions?

To stay in power.

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You can find this full 10/14/21 episode and all others at

NOTE: This content aired in 2021, prior to Austin's candidacy, through the Orange Observer. The Observer does not endorse or support any candidate in this election, and this content does not represent their views.

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